Decentralization is Treason


People continue to argue for treasonous decentralization and the anhialation of the constitution, despite the overwhelming evidence that decentralization in absolutely no way guarantees benevolence, efficiency, or freedom. They only offer a circular logic argument despite the overwhelming evidence that increased decentralization would lead to increased tyranny, corruption, and income inequality.

Evidently, they either wish to escape federal accountability, or wish to advance and increase their own power.

They have failed to provide a single example of success. It happened during the French revolution, and has resulted in absolute failure virtually everywhere else.

In America we have a centralized federal government,  and decentralized state and local governments. If you hate tyranny and a government accountable to nobody, just wait until someone with absolute power over you is within miles of your residence!

In the decentralized process,:

1.) Local governments across America have seized assets without due process under civil asset forfeiture!

2.) California has decided  to imprison any healthcare worker for not referring to a patient by the patients gender orientation, whether it is a biological contradiction, or not, and for refusing to let a patient share a room with the sex of the gender of their gender identity choice.

3.) Oregon, Colorado, and California have legalized marijuana, and other states have legalized some forms for medical purposes.

4.) New York City has decided to offer free college to its residents.

5) Vermont has a single payer health plan.

6.) Rick Scott of Florida has decided to drug test all food stamp recipients, benefiting his friend’s drug testing company.

7.) Michigan governor Rick Schneider decided to place local communities under receivership and appoint politicians and remove elected officials from their’s, and decided to save money by poisoning residents with lead poisoned Flynt River water.

8.) The Army Corps of engineers had warned the governor and mayor of New Orleans a decade prior to Katrina that the levees wouldn’t hold. Louisiana received federal funding for repairing the levees, which they had decided to spend on other things.

9.) Sherrif Joe Arpaio had a fetish for Mexican men in pink underwear, so he decided to imprison Mexican men clad in pink underwear to gratify  his kinky fetish.

11.) 46 states have installed microwave weapon technology in cell phone towers to be used against law abiding citizens for the purposes of stealing their money and to weed out political dissidents and those whom they consider to be undesirable. Only an undesirable would not be dissenting against the policies enacted by this fascist government!

12.) 25 cities have committed to 100 % renewable energy.

Let’s just decentralize banking, war, corporations, education, and global governance.

We can all acknowledge that the constitution currently exists in theory and not in practice, yet, it is still deemed the law of the land, and all who violate it are guilty of treason.

I am absolutely sure that the overwhelming majority of Americans would like to see stronger enforcement of the constitution as opposed to completely abolishing it!

Total decentralization would be the final coup de grace to any belief that we are entitled to the liberties afforded to us in the Bill of Rights.

Korea decentralized. Germany decentralized. Charles Hugh Smith wrote an excellent essay on the Fall of Rome, and the consequences of Rome’s decentralization.…

11 mayors were recently charged with pedophilia by the FBI.

Decentralization could lead to enslavement by local governments, refusal by local governments to let their residents leave the city or state, civil war between local communities over natural resources, walling ports or cities off and preventing the transport of required items and matetials critical for survival or export

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