Stop the Bloody Wars!

The entire elite establishment consisting of the over 2,500 individuals that serve on the Council of Foreign Relations, including almost all corporate media oligarchy journalists, and the many Ph.D.s from the ivy league, ivory tower institutions declared Trump a madman, a buffoon, and a traitor for even suggesting that the U.S. should ally with Russia. Apostasy!

George W. Bush, recently stated that America no longer had the clarity of the vision that we had during the cold war. What clarity?! That Russia was our mortal enemy, because they were communists, and that China was our ally, because they were communists? That Venezuela was our enemy because they were socialists, and the entire EU, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand were our allies because they were and still are socialists to varying degrees?!

Well, it appears that Trump may have been onto something, and as far as allying with Russia, he has made absolute fools out of everyone on the Council of Foreign Relations, and those with Ph.D.s!

King Salman of Saudi Arabia met with Putin. I had to laugh when he claimed that he didn’t think that Washington would mind. I guess that having a harem could be a time consuming distraction from the Washington news of just how obsessed Washington is with Russia!

Netenyahu, who is really something else, exactly what, is a mystery since he has been dictating foreign policy to congress, warning them of the dangers of Putin, while he has met with Putin six times in the last two years! Talk about hypocrisy!

Angela Merkel who also warned us against Putin, has also met with Putin, and has decided to work with Russia!

The military industrial complex is far more of a liability than an asset. They are nothing more than mercenaries, and terrorists, that have not only been receiving over a trillion dollars a year, on borrowed money, and developing weapons to be used not on our enemies, but on us! The U.S. shockingly doesn’t have any real enemies! The Military hasn’t defended U.S. soil since 1916 during the Battle of Columbus. The E.U. urged us to line Russia’s borders, and most of Europe with missiles, tanks, and air support, which we did, in Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Estonia, Hungary, Germany, The Netherlands, and Sweden:

Suddenly, these alleged allies of ours have all decided to back Putin since European trade with Iran has increased by 93% since the Iran deal. Trump has been wrong about Iran. It was Obama’s sole achievement, and listening to Netenyahu will prove to be a self destructive decision.

Now, the self serving cowardly Europeans are even refusing to take responsibility for supporting ISIS, and are pretending that they had no idea that it was taking place! That is an absolute lie!
Supporting ISIS is terrible, it’s why I refused to vote for Hillary !

Two British reporters, Vanessa Beeley, and Tom Dugan were both in Syria reporting on it. The U.S. Peace Council also addressed the U.N. to a nearly empty room in the summer of 2016!

Watch “Bashar Ja’afari and US Peace Council Representatives on Syria” on YouTube


Watch “Interview with British Journalist Tom Duggan” on YouTube

The Israeli government and Saudi governments were fully supporting ISIS, and so were European governments! The French government paid 500,000 euros to ISIS through support payments, and Europe has paid over $2.3 million to support ISIS. France states that there are over 18,000 radicalized Muslims living in France. Well, funding terrorists, attracts terrorists!–led-fight-against-isis-n474161

Angela Merkel also is discussing U.N. peace keeping forces in the Ukraine with Putin, after urging us to be there. The CIA overthrew the democratically elected Ukranian President.

If there are any lessons to be learned from this bloody disaster, they are that war is hell, senseless, evil, and that we can’t count on any of these supposed European, Israeli, and Saudi allies for anything except to throw us under the bus, which I believe was the globalists plan all along.

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