Never Again!

The “Democratic” Party’s former chair Donna Brazille admitted the obvious, that Hillary Clinton colluded with the DNC in rigging the “Democratic” primary.

Maybe it was supposed to be a practical joke, since it is in total contradiction to the party name, which is nothing other than an oxymoron on parade for all to laugh at, ridicule, and throw tomatoes at.
They also have super delegates used to override the will of their voters , as proof of the disdain, contempt, and total disregard for their voters and American citizens. Over 98% of the super delegates, which includes all elected DNC politicians, endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2014, prior to the primary, and prior to Hillary Clinton announcing her candidacy, so Donna Brazille’s statement could have been made by Captain Obvious.

The DNC is evil personified. I guess that could be considered an opinion, if you were in favor of slavery, The Federal Reserve, federal income taxes, which were created the same year of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, in order to pay the interest on the money that the government borrows from the privately owned cartel, which consists of 37% of banks in America, who are the share holders and owners of the Federal Reserve, if you were in favor of World War 1, World War 2, the development of Nuclear weapons, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings,and the Vietnam War.

How people fall for the talk of these smooth talking terrorists, ( yes, it’s time to call a spade a spade ) is,truly baffling.

Barack Obama managed to swindle the World and walk off with the Nobel Peace prize for a speech in Berlin, while he continued two wars, started five new ones, was the drone strike king in a real life video game on his terrorist Tuesdays where he chose young middle eastern Arab males based on physical appearance alone from aerial surveillance photography. Based on that, it almost sounds like the goal was to weaken the gene pool.

Obama also dedicated the remainder of his second term to the horrific TPP, which would have allowed foreign corporations to sue sovereign nations for loss of future income, if laws passed by governments were to restrict the evil corporations in order to protect their citizens.

I had voted for Republicans until the 2008 central bank fest and left the RNC in total disgust. In 2008 I cast my vote for Nader, because he opposed the bail out, and he wanted to protect the Bill of Rights, and was anti-war and voted for Jill Stein in 2012 for the same reasons. I supported Bernie Sanders in the 2016 primary for those reasons also, and voted for Trump in the general because Hillary Clinton is Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is not. I did not vote in the 2000 election and had intended to vote for Bush, until he made a statement on election day on national television of going after the evil doers, including a list of nations, not to be confused with the axis of evil statement after the 9/11 government bombing.

Somehow I found myself in the middle of DNC politics, the same way that I suddenly found myself caught up in RNC politics, and sanely choose to reject the triangulation policies of both parties.

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