This is What a National Distraction Looks Like

When the establishment is busted, they have historically resulted to tactics of national distraction to bury the headlines of what they would like the public to remain in the dark about.

Expect more sex scandals, massacres, and high speed car chases.

Isn’t it odd that Anthony Weiner’s sex scandals dominated the headlines, rather than the fact that Huma Abedine had Hillary Clinton’s emails on her computer, which contained damaging information about the Clintons ?!

The Life is Beautiful Massacre appears to have been orchestrated as both a national distraction, and an effort to curb second amendment rights.

Ex CIA cybernetic mind control Dr. Robert Duncan has suggested that.
Ex NSA William Binney and Ex CIA Dr. Robert Duncan on PATH LEADING TO FAILURE:

Paddock was a Lockheed Martin auditor who had passed security clearance. Hardly the image of an unstable man! He without question had damaging evidence on Lockheed Martin because the company is totally evil and totally corrupt. They are terrorists. They use microwave weapons against truth tellers. They campaign to spread rumors and lies about their victims.

The Las Vegas concert was simply being headlined as the Mandalay Bay concert. I had to search to find that it was called The Life is Beautiful concert which was deliberately kept out of the headlines which is further proof of the significance of the concert name for the shooters motives. I suspect that he was receiving Life is Beautiful ads every time that he had bad luck or lost in Las Vegas.

Paddock was a multimillionaire who had moved multiple times in the past decade and I believe that he was being gang stalked by Lockheed Martin.

Microwave weapons being used on Paddock could certainly explain him lying in bed screaming , oh my God!

Mark Zuckerberg has conducted illegal and unethical psychological experiments on Facebook users attempting to change their mood through the manipulation of positive or negative news stories. He is a deviant psychopath that should be locked up! You do not need a Facebook account, or an account owned by any of their subsidiaries. I have never had a Facebook account or an account owned by any of their subsidiaries and have deleted Facebook apps that keep reappearing hidden on my phone.…

Watch “Lockheed Martin Implicated in Covert Microwave Weaponry Assaults” on YouTube

Physicist explains microwave weapons :

Watch “Microwave weapons Basics (Targeted Individuals) (Stop 007)” on YouTube

Ted Gunderson is a retired award winning FBI agent discussing extrajudicial murder by the government :

Watch “Ted Gunderson (1 of 10) Gulf Coast 9/11 Truth Symposium” on YouTube

The LVPD had changed their story 3 times, and Jesus Campos didn’t even see the shooter, because he was shot through the door. Jesus Campos said that he was shot from behind the door, and refers to the shooter, as “the shooter” , not Paddock.
See the full Ellen Degeneres Jesus Campos interview:

The RNC just stated that they believe that Robert Mueller has failed to perform his duties, and they believe that his involvement with the Clinton / Russian/ Plutonium One bribery racket is cause for his removal from the investigation! Of course it is! He was a yellow cake mule !

Republicans Say That Mueller is Hopelessly Compromised and Call for His Removal:

From my We Have Very High Standards, We Have Double Standards post:

Robert Mueller realizes that the entire world would see the blood on his hands, if in fact, they weren’t covered in dirt concealing the visibility of the blood. His only remaining move is to go after anyone that has supported Trump, and may know any Russian person, whether they are connected with the Russian government or not, because Robert Mueller was fully aware of the Clinton Plutonium One Russian contract, because Robert Mueller was involved in the illegal transport of the plutonium to the Russians for the Clinton, Uranium One deal, and has silenced a witness of Uranium One bribery dealings.

Reported by Shepard Ambellus on Intellhub and featured on Zero Hedge:

“(S/Rel Russia) Action request: Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21. Post is requested to convey information in paragraph 5 with regard to chain of custody, and to request details on Russian Federation’s plan for picking up the material. Embassy is also requested to reconfirm the April 16 understanding from the FSB verbally that we will have no problem with the Russian Ministry of Aviation concerning Mueller’s September 21 flight clearance.”

The Deep State is in desperate panic mode. The CIA and FBI were concerned that releasing all JFK files may cause people to lose faith in the Government. That is the funniest statement that they have made in the history of my life. Nobody has any faith in the Government.

Suddenly, today there was a need to release Martin Luther King Jr. sex scandal information. Why would we even believe that it is true?! They orchestrated his assassination too!

I’m not even going to waste my time reading about it. It is a non-factor in the big picture.

We have had an incredible amount of sex scandal coverage from the Weinstein brothers, Kevin Spacey, Corey Feldman, Howie Rubin, “Democratic” congress women, and now Dr.Martin Luther King Jr.

Kenneth Starr and Rod Rosenstein, who appointed Robert Mueller to investigate Trump, chose to focus on Monica Lewinsky, rather than White Water, for which there was more than ample evidence that could have convicted the Clintons, holding the Clintons to a standard that nobody else in America is privy to, whether they had intended to commit a crime or not.

When I was issued speeding tickets, I did not intend to speed, but received them anyways.

Drunk drivers never intend to kill people in car accidents, in fact they are often in a blackout and completely unconscious, yet they go to prison for it.

Hopefully there will just be a high speed car chase rather than another massacre.

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