Stephen Colbert’s Comedy of Errors

The Hill has reported on Stephen Colbert’s spoof on Texas Republican Representative Louie Gomert’s chart of the DNC’s collusion in the Russian Uranium One bribery scandal, cover- up, obstruction of justice, treason, bribery, high crimes, and misdemeanors.

Stephen did come up with a great one liner, “Something stinks because Louie Gomert just charted.”

This is not a laughing matter. What will Stephen joke about next? Children being decapitated by the White Helmets?!

Mueller had personally transported yellow cake uranium on planes directly to Russia.
Bull $#!+ Mueller! – Andrea Iravani

The Obama administration had the Justice Department silence a witness to the massive bribery scandal, in which Bill Clinton had recieved bribes, oh, I mean honorarium fees of $500,000, who had intended to file a lawsuit, to bring national attention to what he knew about the Clinton’s during the 2016 campaign season!

Then, Stephen pleaded that the second Obama illustrated on Gomert’s chart to become the President. Really Stephen? The Obama that had started 5 new wars, maintained the 2 wars that he had inherited, was the drone strike king, armed ISIS, and called the groups that were kicked out of Al Qaeda for being too extreme, moderate rebels, tazered, tear gassed, arrested, and imprisoned grannies for occupying Wall Street, and occupy movements across America, handed $4,5 trillion over to the banks and the 1% for nothing, in the trickle up, robin hood in reverse, Obamanomics?!

Explained here:

BULL$#!+ On Parade! – Andrea Iravani

This is What Fascism Looks Like! – Andrea Iravani

Stephen then created a chart directly linking Trump to Russia in a single line.

Brilliant Stephen! You busted Trump for having hotels in Russia which he had prior to the campaign, and is perfectly legal under our laws, which you have made an absolute mockery out of!

When did Stephen Colbert sell out to the corrupt DNC?!

Thank God that I have disconnected my TV!

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