63% of Americans Oppose Moving Embassy From Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

Trump is willing to lose everything that he and his administration have  gained over an epically idiotic policy that will destroy him politically.

Brookings Instute has reported on the polling by University Maryland that finds that 63% of Americans oppose moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and so does the entire world. 194 out of 195 countries are against this move. The only country in favor of it is Israel. We can not say that America is in favor of it, with 63% of Americans opposing  it.

This is a lethal combination of arrogance, stupidity, and stubbornness. The Midddle East has had violent reactions to this. Every country in the world except Israel opposes the embassy move, and nearly two thirds of Americans oppose the embassy move. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem will without question result in a net loss. Doing something that will definitely result in a net loss is sheer insanity, and purely illogical. Moving the embassy to Jerusalem will not do a single thing Make America Great Again. Inviting trouble like this brings flash backs of the Iran hostage crisis and Benghazi. It is a welcome mat for terrorism.

America will never forgive Trump if the embassy move results in a terrorist attack, or another war. America stands nothing to gain from this, and everything to lose.

Brookings reports:

“Trump certainly doesn’t need to solidify his pro-Israel credentials; three of his key Middle East advisers are known to be sympathetic with the Israeli right. More importantly, the American public, including his Republican core, already thinks his policy is pro-Israel. A University of Maryland Critical Issues Poll (among a national sample of 2,000 American adults, fielded by Nielsen Scarborough November 1-6 and released at the Brookings Institution last Friday) found that 59 percent of Americans said they preferred that Trump lean toward neither side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. In contrast, 57 percent of Americans, including most Republicans, said he is in fact leaning toward Israel. Our poll also shows that 63 percent of all Americans oppose moving the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, including 44 percent of Republicans.”
Peace and Merry Christmas,
Andrea Iravani

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