Cognitive Dissonance Caused by the Establishment Propagandists Over Russia and the Debilitating Effects on America and the World

On December 27th 2017, I was being actively attacked by black-hat hackers, after posting the following :

Something very strange is taking place with this entire Clinton/FBI/Russian/ Uranium One Deal that the media is not acknowledging. The U.S. and Russia agreed that Russia would reprocess nuclear fuel from U.S. nuclear weapons in 2000.

Hillary Clinton signed an agreement with Lavrov on April 13, 2010 for Russia to Reprocess the fuel and this was publicly acknowledged at the time.

Starting in April of 2016, the Russian government had decided to withdraw from the agreement for multiple reasons,  including NATO buildup of defense systems targeted at Russia over the Crimean and Magnitsky Act disputes between the US government and Russia,  finacial disputes over agreements between the two countries for the cost of construction of the reprocessing plant, and for the costs of operating the plant, disputes over the way that the US compromised the nuclear material by adding other elements to the nuclear material, the US Congress decided ex post facto that they insisted on Russia using a burner reactor which would burn nuclear fuel at a faster rate than nuclear material is produced, as opposed to a breeder reactors which produces more fuel than it consumes, even though there are no burner reactors in existence, and they are not even possible, it is a physical impossibility.

The Clintons were without question, completely guilty of using the State Department for personally capitalizing over their efforts to not only lobby the federal government to have Russia reprocess the nuclear material, but the Clinton Foundation also lobbied for all of Europe to have Russia reprocess their nuclear material.

The Clintons benefitted to the tune of $145.5 million dollars. Using any public office for personal enrichment whether it compromises national security or not, is a truly disgusting and despicable abuse of power that gives the US government a banana republic image. It is a national security threat to use public office for taking bribes, which they did, without question!

So now, we have been under going melt downs frequently at the Hanford Nuclear Site, because of a neocon/ Obama, Crimea/ Magnitsky Act dispute.

RT reported:

“President Vladimir Putin has signed an act suspending a 2000 agreement between the US and Russia on reprocessing weapons-grade plutonium extracted from decommissioned warheads.

The bill has already been published on Russia’s official legal information website, meaning it’s now in force.

The deal between Moscow and Washington was ratified in 2000. As a means to safely utilize weapons-grade plutonium, it suggested a specific procedure to turn it into nuclear plant fuel. Starting from 2018, it was planned to reprocess 34 tons (68,000 pounds) of plutonium, which would have been enough to produce thousands of nuclear weapons, RIA Novosti reported.

Yet, while Russia has prepared the infrastructure necessary for the process, the US said it found the procedure too costly and instead opted for mixing plutonium with special dilutants to store it indefinitely.

Russia suspended the deal “due to drastic changes of circumstances, the rise of threat to strategic stability as a result of hostile actions of the US towards the Russian Federation and the inability of the US to provide for the accepted obligations to utilize the excess weapons-grade plutonium in accordance with the agreement,” the new bill read.

For the agreement to be resumed, Washington should reduce the US military presence on the territory of NATO members that joined the bloc after 2000, cancel its Magnitsky Act which bans entry to the US to a list of Russian citizens, as well as lift other anti-Russian sanctions and compensate the loss Moscow suffered as a result of such policy.”

Plutonium Disposition Working Group

“[PMDA 2000] In 2002, the Bush Administration directed a review of nonproliferation programs that included the plutonium disposition program. … During the April 2010 Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov signed a… :
“Sputnik News Reported:

Earlier, US media reported that the White House plans to terminate the US program to manufacture mixed-oxide (MOX) fuel for “incinerating” weapon-grade plutonium because of alleged technological problems and the project’s exorbitant costs. Instead, the United States plans to mix weapon-grade plutonium with other, non-radioactive, materials and to store the mixture inside special facilities. Experts stress that this option makes it possible to remove the mixture and to obtain plutonium from it using relatively simple methods. The plutonium thus obtained would be enough to make several thousand nuclear warheads.”

Gerry Images reported:
“U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (L) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov smile after signing an agreement on eliminating excess weapon-grade plutonium from their defense programs during the Nuclear Safety Summit at the Washington Convention Center April 13, 2010 in Washington, DC. Clinton said the irreversable process of desposing of each countries excess weapon-grade plutonium, enough material for several thousand nuclear weapons, will prevent it from falling into the hands of terrorists.”

“Arms Control .org reported:

U.S. officials and others have long said that Russia never fully supported the plan for LWR disposition, preferring instead to use fast-neutron reactors. Russia and the United States eventually began renegotiating that aspect of the agreement and in November 2007 issued a joint statement outlining a plan for use of fast-neutron reactors by Russia. They said they planned to negotiate a protocol to change the PMDA accordingly. (See ACT, December 2007.)

The switch to fast-neutron reactors has drawn criticism from some nonproliferation specialists because such reactors, unlike LWRs, can produce more plutonium than they consume. The protocol includes “certain nonproliferation conditions,” as the State Department described them, that are designed to minimize the potential nonproliferation drawbacks of using fast-neutron reactors.

Another significant change from the original PMDA is that the protocol caps total U.S. funding for the effort at the $400million amount that the United States previously pledged. As the protocol notes, the funding is subject to U.S. congressional appropriations decisions.”

I previously reorted, in The Fossil Fuel Industry is Living in the Ice Ages:

There is no safe form of nuclear energy and there never will be. Safe nuclear energy is a physical impossibility. Once the process of nuclear fission begins, it cannot be stopped, unless there is an explosion or nuclear meltdown in a nuclear chain reaction that occurs. The nuclear waste must be fed like a monster. It is done so in the reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. New metals are added in attempt to weaken the radioactive levels, and to cool It with moltent metals!  It is the equivaent of trying to walk up the down escalator going at 75 miles per hour. It is my belief that the 50’s sci-fi movie,  The Blob was actually about nuclear waste.

The Hanford nuclear plant is undergoing heat decay in the process of a nuclear meltdown in a nuclear chain reaction which will eventually result in a nuclear explosion. Using nuclear waste for nuclear energy production also creates more nuclear waste.

Cold fusion is not safe either. It is an outright lie that it is. The nuclear reactors are called breeder reactors because they breed radioactive material in the process of nuclear fission. The waste is not burned in the process. Large quantities of radio active tritium are released into the atmosphere.…

Watch “David Gilmour – “There’s No Way Out Of Here”” on YouTube

Watch “The Doors – The End (original)” on YouTube

Watch “Trailer – The Blob (1958)” on YouTube

The Fossil Fuel Industry is Living in the Ice Ages! – Andrea Iravani

So, we will see how it is that the entire Congress, Clintons,  and Obama, who knew of this all along attempts to explain this bribery fest away.

The larger scandal at issue, is the way that the MIC has jeopardized national security for profit and personal gain over defense buildup at Russian borders over Crimea and the Magnitsky Act, as Hanford nuclear plant undergoes heat decay.

The US currently has 70,000 metric tons of Nuclear waste.


Andrea Iravani

The US Signed an Agreement With Russia in 2000 for Reprocessing of Nuclear Weapons Fuel – Andrea Iravani

Andrea Iravani


In an attempt to prevent the same incident that had occurred in June of 2017, since black-hat hackers started hacking me again after posting that article, I disabled the cookies and Java Script on my phone. Since I do not understand technology, when attempting to login to WordPress, they didn’t recognize my phone with the disabled cookies and Javascript. It said that I had no account when I entered my email address. After enabling the cookies again, I was able to post in my comments section, but was unable to create a new blog, until I re-enabled Javascript, which was not as straightforward of a process as it could be, and is hidden on my phone under another app. In June, my  IPhone, Gmail, LinkedIn, ITunes,  Disqus, along with Zero Hedge,  Fox news,  accounts were all hacked and disabled in a black-hat onslaught all-out attack. My car also stopped working at that time, and I went to Verizon Wireless,  whose employees and management refused to accept a Wisconsin drivers license and US passport for ID, or let me open another account, since I already had one, and three employees, including the manager had attempted to get me to disclose my passwords from other accounts to them, which I had refused to do. After the managers third attempt to get me to disclose other passwords, I yelled, No! How many times do I have to tell you that I did not use those passwords for Verizon?!!!,  at which point, he kicked me out of the store, and yelled, ” THAT’S IT!!! GET OUT!!!!

I bought a new phone at another store in July, since I was unable to contact anyone other than 911 on my disabled phone. The Grafton police and Verizon employees were telling me to go to the Apple store in Bayshore mall,  which happens to be an abduction capital in the US, which I refused to go to because my house is also broken into and vandalized and things are stolen every time that I leave, even if it is to walk my dog around the neighborhood.

Doug “Uncola” Lynn had an  article which appeared in The Burning Platform :

 The article is about a disagreement with a liberal friend over the Clinton Uranium One Deal and the FBI investigation of Trump.
The liberals who have decided that the New York Times is the only credible paper of record in America have been proven wrong hundreds of times within the past year. The NYT is one of the least credible print  news sources,  in addition to The Washington Post. However, if it is the New York Times that is the only acceptable evidence of the Clinton, Uraniuim One Deal, so be it. I guess that they all must have missed this article, which does not name Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation,  or Uranium One,  but does mention the Russian / US nuclear agreement, the Obama administration,  and the US State Department. It is an inability to read between the lines, and delve deeper into the issue.
 Here is the only acceptable evidence for the radical left:
It is cognitive dissonance, caused by these establishment propagandists which has led the left to believe that if the Trump supporters do not believe that Trump is a Russian double-agent, they must be crazy, because what would be the alternative to the left not believing that the right is crazy for not believing that Trump is a Russian double agent? The alternative would be for the left to admit that they are either crazy, incompetent,  or totally foolish for believing that Trump is a Russian double agent! Which option do you suppose that they will choose?!
If owning hotels in Russia means that someone is a Russian double agent, then yes, I guess that Trump is a Russian double agent, but how will the left rationalize the Clinton, Obama, Justice Department,  FBI, congressional collusion? I guess that the answer is to move onto shit-hole gate, and fogedda bout it! ( This is not a defense of Trump’s statement. It is proof of Trump’s outrageously incompetent  behavior which has once again assisted his foes in taking him down. He has tied the noose with which he will be hung- his inability to maintain any sense of decorum.  Yes. We should expect decorum from the president. )
Andrea Iravani


2 thoughts on “Cognitive Dissonance Caused by the Establishment Propagandists Over Russia and the Debilitating Effects on America and the World

  1. I previously amd wrongly stated that I was shockingly surprised that Tillerson wasn’t another Dick Cheney. So much for that mistake. So it is not ok for Russia to interfere in U.S. politics, ( even though there is not a shred of evidence that they did) but it is A OK for the U.S. to interfere in Syrian, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Crimean politics. Ok thanks for the clarification Rex! How is that Kurdish thing working out in Iraq?! Oh, right lost support from corruption, with the CIA involved there was corruption?! Knock me over with a feather!


  2. I previously amd wrongly stated that I was shockingly surprised that Tillerson wasn’t another Dick Cheney. So much for that mistake. So it is not ok for Russia to interfere in U.S. politics, ( even though there is not a shred of evidence that they did) but it is A OK for the U.S. to interfere in Syrian, Turkish, Ukrainian,Crimean ,Iranian, and Iraqi, Tunisian, Libyan, Egyptian, Yemeni, , Sudanese, etc… politics. Ok thanks for the clarification Rex! How is that Kurdish thing working out in Iraq?! Oh, right lost support from corruption, with the CIA involved there was corruption?! Knock me over with a feather!


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