The Only Things That America is Exceptional at are Fascism, Terrorism, and Corruption

Eric Zuesse from the Strategic Culture Foundation wrote an excellent article on Trump’s continuation of the failed policies of Obama and Hillary Clinton and stated:

“The reality, not talked about in public (since America isn’t a democracy), is that the United States Government propagandizes against foreign governments and then perpetrates coups and/or military invasions against them, in order to impose the US empire’s dictatorial stooges, and then to crush whatever democracy had existed there. This US fascism didn’t happen only in Iran in 1953, Guatemala in 1954, and Chile in 1973, but it happens also today, long after the ‘anti-communist’ excuse for it had ended in 1991. ”

Eric Zuesse went on to say:

“The grim global reality is that the US Government has become the world’s leading fascist nation. (And people around the world — outside the US — already know it.)”.

Please take the time to read the full article here:

The oppressive fascism in America is impossible to deny or be oblivious to, even if one is completely oblivious to the global tyrrany and terrorism exercised by the United States of Orwellian Fascisism.

We as Americans, are reminded of the fascism on at least a monthly basis, sometimes more frequently, sometimes a dozen times a day, simply by reading the news.

I was most recently reminded of the tyrranical fascism when I had received my license plate renewal registration form, requesting that I pay $75.00 and get my car tested for emissions.

Well, to quote Hillary Clinton,  ” What difference does it really make at this point?!” The car is from 2005, and I realize that that may be a sin against American consumerism, but it does not emit the level of carbon that a 1970 car does, nor will it ever. It is just one more step at unnecessarily complicating the lives of Americans.

While Americans are gauged for their time and money in an effort to appease a fascist government, the fascist government has allowed the fossil fuel industry to dump unlimited quantities of fracking chemicals into the Gulf of Mexico. It is not just Trump. Obama did it too. For some reason,  the lawsuit against Obama was not settled until right before he had left office, in January of 2016. That basically makes a complete joke out of any bans on smoking and for getting cars tested for emissions.

While the deep state, AMA, and big pharma are literally making a killing, one of the casualties has also been the business sector. New business creation are at an all time low, and new business failures are at an all time high.


Lawsuit Filed Against Trump Administration for Approving Unlimited Fracking Chemicals to Be Dumped Into Gulf of Mexico – Andrea Iravani


Americans will soon need a passport to fly domestically. We already are sexually molested at the airport by TSA inspectors.

The drug testing by corporations and local governments is a 4th amendment rights violation. There is no excuse for it. Henry Ford was extremely against alcohol consumption, and hired spies to spy on his employees to make sure that they weren’t drinking alcohol after work.

Today, that seems outrageous. In reality, there is no difference between what Henry Ford did then, and what corporations and local governments are doing today. Particularly when the CIA is importing all of the drugs.

Tragically,  most Americans, regardless of income, education, or status have people that have died from heroin overdoses in their communities. It is a $1 trillion income for the CIA, and it’s why the war in Afghanistan will never end. It’s too damn profitable for our evil government.

This has actually been going on since the 1800’s. We used to call a spade a spade. They were called the opium wars. In 1914, opium and other drugs became illegal. We can’t fight a war for opium with public approval when it is illegal, but we can fight a fake war against fake terrorism, and actually be the terrorists, that terrorize for $1 trillion worth of opium, and unknown incomes for cocaine in Latin American countries. Why do you think that crack dealing and possession had a higher prison sentence? It wasn’t about race. It was about CIA turf. The crack dealers were impinging on CIA cocaine turf, offering a cheaper product.

The pharmaceutical industry, the AMA,  and CIA are against national marijuana legalization because it would slash their profits. The big tobacco companies all want in on it. Can you blame them?

The best reason to abstain from black market drugs and other black market activities are because they support the CIA, in addition to the obvious mental clarity. The best reason to abstain from legal prescription drugs is because the pharmaceutical companies are profiteering snake venom racket assholes, and for mental clarity.

See photo and article of U.S. military guarding poppy fields in Afghanistan:

When we called a spade a spade:

History of big pharma and AMA’s  monopoly on drugs through illegalization:

Here is proof of  this unbeliveable Orwellian fascist surveillance state by ex intelligence agents.



Please watch all ten epidodes of Ted Gunderson, ex FBI agent.

Watch ex FBI agent Ted Gunderson 9/11 truth symposium

More on the fascists:

More on corruption:

Hillary Clinton Personally Signed Uranium One Deal – Andrea Iravani

The Best Creative Minds in America Have Moved From Art, Into Accounting, Pentagon Audit Will Be the Mona Lisa of Creative Accounting – Andrea Iravani
WTF EMPs, LIBOR, and A Government and Fed That Nobody Can Believe In – Andrea Iravani
Silicon Valley and the Government Have Destroyed the Internet Without an EMP – Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani


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