Devolution Engineered

Anonymous released this horrifying video on January 20th 2018. As mentioned in previous articles of decentralization of nations and cities reporting directly to global governance. If you hate the government now, just wait until someone with absolute power over you is within miles of your home. Many cities now have sister cities in other countries which wealth and assets will be redistrubted to as decided by the UN. Designer synthetic embryos are also part of this strategy.  Brave New World meets 1984. George Church, an MIT professor, wrote a book called Regenesis, and thought that it would be a fun experiment to recreate  cromagnon man. Perfect slave group, and too dumb too even realize it. This is entirely evil. The monsters are in control and must be immediately stopped! George Church did have some great ideas, but he didn’t know where to stop. It reminds me of the horror movie House of Pain also. It would be great to biosynthesize  concrete, which uses enormous quantities of energy in the production of concrete, but it is terrible idea to biosynthesize people and animals! It is sick! It is playing God.

Here is the video:


Decentralization is Treason – Andrea Iravani


Andrea Iravani

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