Trump Drains the Swamp and Turns It Into Hell On Earth

Trump is heading the wrong way with appointing Pompeo, Gina Haspel sadistic terrorist monster, and considering the biggest war monger in US foreign policy, John Bolton! Bad moves Trump! Also completly stupid to be a DNC tool and charge 16 Russians with election rigging, shooting yourself in the foot ! Your administration started with anti-establishment supporters, then you filled the administration with Goldman Sachs, the MIC, the CIA, and defense contractors! Who’s next on the list? Satan?! Draining the swamp and turning it into hell on earth isn’t what people had in mind!

Update 11:04 PM 3/15/18

John Bolton also refused to provide Congress with evidence regarding his involvement in the Iran Contra scandal. He is a psychopath that believes that he is above and exempt from the law.

Please host a Mayday anti-war party on April 28th!


Andrea Iravani

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