About That War, Foggedabout It!

About that war that the politicians want in Syria, Iran, North Korea, Russia, where ever, foggedabout it!

We as Americans have moral and ethical obligations to ourselves, future generations, and the rest of the world.

The enemy is  clearly the US government, the for profit DC aka defense contractors, the establishment that they serve, including state, local, and county governments which provide the skeletal structure to the Federal government, the Federal Reserve, and their mouth pieces- the propagandists of terrtorists including every TV news channel and every TV news program, every print news  publication, and at least 80% of online news publications.

We must lead the way towards peace, liberty, and truth, which the establishment has declared war on. Protests do not accomplish anything, and are often inflitrated by the CIA acting as violent anarchists creating the need for police state intervention and more civil rights violating laws to be used against us.

Since March 14th I have been requesting that people around the world host anti-war Mayday parties on April 28th. With house parties, the war mongering fascist CIA is uninvited ! You and your friends and family will be much safer also!

Blog, Tweet, blog, comment, lather rinse, repeat! We need an army of online peace activists jamming the internet blowing the establishment’s contrived war support to smithereens! Start your own blog, just to piss them off!

Let them know that there are just too many people aware of the truth to get away with a war based on outright fabrications and half assed allegations without a shred of evidence!

You may be asking who can you trust? Great and valid question!

I would suggest the following:



Moon of Alabama


Dr. Paul Craig Roberts


Pat Buchanan


Dr. Ron Paul


Vanessa Beeley


The Anti Media


Tom Duggan


Truth Dig


The US Peace Council


Information Clearing House


The Saker


Global Research


The Strategic Culture Foundation


(Sorry can’t believe I failed to include these sites below! Added 4/11/18 12:05 pm CT)


Jane’s Defense

Andrea Iravani

Now you have sources, in the event that any of these sources suddenly start advocating for a pre-emptive war with any country, be confident that they have been hijacked and hacked by the DoD.

If you happen to be new to the peace, truth, liberty movement, welcome aboard! I realize that there is an overwhelming task ahead of you. If you would like, as information sources for your party, blogging, tweeting, and posting, please consider using the videos in the articles below as a starting point for spreading peace, truth, and liberty throughout your community, country, and world!

Silent But Deadly CNN Over Syrian Mass Weapons, Chemical Weapons,  and Grave Site


Stop the Bloody Wars!



Andrea Iravani


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