America Has Lost It’s Collective Mind

The verdict is in and it does not bode well for the country that I love, and have lived in for my entire life, America.

America has lost it’s collective mind. That is certain. Most Americans would probably agree with that  statement, for various reasons.

The Anti-Trumpian “Resistance” and “Antifa” would say that America had lost it’s collective mind for electing Trump.

Trumpians think that America has lost it’s collective mind because of the hypocrisy coming from the FBI, CIA, DNC, and MSM.

At least there is something that we as Americans can finally agree upon.

While I am far more likely to sympathize with Trumpians reasons for America having lost it’s collective mind, because the facts point to that argument being correct, and because Hillary Clinton was the worst candidate in recorded history, which the DNC still has refused to admit any wrong doing in regarding the primary election rigging, and had the DNC not rigged the primary, we would have President Sanders, because polling had shown that Sanders was the only candidate that could beat Trump, and because  the DNC willfully ignored, silenced, disgraced,  and condemned anyone who would dare to invoke facts into the election campaign, which the “Antifa” and “Resistance” should all logically be stampeding DNC headquarters, and Super Delegate candidates for, which include all elected DNC politicians, almost all of whom had endorsed, campaigned for, and cast their apostasy on Democracy Super Delegate vote for Hillary Clinton, tantamount to political malpractice and political suicide.

There is even more evidence of America having lost it’s collective sanity though, by what we as Americans collectively agree upon as insane and are most outraged by.

For the most outrageous things that we should all agree upon as Americans is the loss of our liberties, year after year, often in Orwellian double-speak language, like the Patriot Act, the American Freedom Act,  and that all of this tyrannical legislation has had the effects of not only increasing crime, but in protecting criminals from prosecution.

Charles Hugh-Smith, from Of Two Minds Blogspot had an article in Zero Hedge today that was very compelling, suggesting that the recent cocophany of sexual scandals in Hollywood,  NBC, and Congress are the result of a deep state purging war.

That seems logical. The FBI and CIA have ALWAYS been adversaries, and both are deeply imbeded in the deep state.

What is wrong with this picture? For me, I would say that what is wrong with this picture is that an almost Victorian revival of prudishness is essential for taking out an establishment guilty of treason, bribery,  high crimes, and misdeamenors,  of which there are Mount Everest sized mountains of evidence to prove.

I am in no way attemting to justify, or legitimize the sexual misconduct of the guilty parties.  It is definitely wrong, but what is even more outrageous, from my perspective, is that the deep state has chosen to focus on sexual impropriety, rather than the morally indefensible outright lies of these powerhouse sexual predators.

It is far more outrageous that our government is awarding weapons contracts to Saudi Arabia and Israel, just as it is equally outrageous that our government created, armed, trained, financed, and fought right along side ISIS, The ” moderate rebels”, who were rejected by al Qaeda for being too extreme, and it is equally outrageous that our government has removed the MEK, also known as the Mujahudeen from the terror watch list, and has allied with them, the only Iranian group of terrorists, and is also the only group of Iranian allies.

It is also equally outrageous that the government continues to legitimize the treasonous Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

Despite the fact that the entire government is guilty of treason, bribery, high crimes, and misdeamenors, the deep state has chosen to focus on sexual misconduct.

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Andrea Iravani


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